At the session, held on 6 February 2023, the Republic Electoral Commission adopted a Decree on the allocation of an MP’s term of office for the purpose of filling a vacant seat at the National Assembly.

The National Assembly had informed the Republic Electoral Commission that, at the First Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 13th Legislature, on 4 February 2023, it had noted the termination of the term of office of MP Jelisaveta Veljkovic, elected from the Electoral List ALEKSANDAR VUCIC – Together We Can Do Anything, on the day of her death.

The Republic Electoral Commission adopted the Decree on the allocation of a term of office for the purpose of filling a vacant seat at the National Assembly to the first candidate next in line on the Electoral List ALEKSANDAR VUCIC – Together We Can Do Anything – Ilo Mihajlovski.

The session was chaired by Vladimir Dimitrijevic, Chairperson of the Republic Electoral Commission.